About ArtistNext

ArtistNext is an online media journal and is part of the KinnArts.com initiative. The center of ArtistNext is the website "ArtistNext.org". All domains including: artistnext.org, artist-next.com, imminentartist.com, artistimminent.com, and artisteminent.com, are registered under KinnArts.com, and are also part of the initiative. The "ArtistNext" online media journal is designed to help bring artists together with collectors, museums, galleries, and other components within the communities of the art world.  ArtistNext is a non-profit effort, there are no monies involved or exchanged in any way.  Our focus is on the artist and the art, to coin a phrase, for the "sake" of art. Artists can apply to have their work reviewed by going to the facebook site ArtistNext.org Artist-Next.com. The first step is to become a fan ("Like" the page) and then post a note saying you are interested in being contacted. You may also post as much of your art as you want on the site, but this is not an necessary step as all you need do is post that you are interested and one of our writers will contact you. We will need to see your art at some point, and we will want to talk to you about your work.